
Dear Friends of WEA,

For more than 160 years, World Evangelical Alliance has been committed to fostering Christian unity by providing a global identity, voice and platform for the evangelical Christian communities worldwide. The vision leading to this century long mission of WEA was first manifested in 1846 by men and women of faith, as they gathered in London with the passion to see the churches of all denominations joined together in every community around the world, effectively living out and proclaiming the Gospel. We are pleased to say, this spirit of unity continues to cast the direction of WEA today.

World Evangelical Alliance is now the largest network of evangelical Christians, having been connected with 66% of the world’s 192 countries through its National Evangelical Alliances and Fellowships. This unique position as the most extensive neutral network in an era of globalization gives WEA the influence and the ability to speak on behalf of evangelical communities like never before. The persecuted and the voiceless churches especially need a credible presence like WEA to expand its advocacy for their right to practice and share the good news of Jesus. To this end, we are continually finding ways to expand our global network by catalyzing strategic partnerships and resource sharing to make the voice of evangelicals heard with impact around the world.

It is with these growing opportunities for WEA that I extend my warm invitation to you, to witness people, communities and nations transform positively as a result of Christian harmony. We ask for your prayer support and your hand in partnership as we seek to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Your contribution in all forms will be accepted gratefully and used preciously to expand God's Kingdom. This is our commitment to our Lord.

Geoff Tunnicliffe
Chief Executive Officer & Secretary General of WEA

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If you would like more information, please contact us through our contact us page.