World Evangelical Alliance Report For The United Nations

The World Evangelical Alliance has chosen to name a spokesperson on the issue of Human Trafficking. This has resulted in the instigation of an anti-human trafficking global task force where 420 million WEA members can become informed spokespersons in their own sphere of influence.

The framework for the taskforce builds its action through the principles laid out in the:

United Nations Protocol, 2000

It has developed strategic and effective action to both prevent and combat trafficking. The task force has the potential to raise up community leaders of both male and female gender.

The Chair of the task force is a member of the UN’s ECLSOC through The Salvation Army’s International Social Justice Commission.

Activities which are presently on the WEA agenda are:

  • Awareness raising events with WEA members and surrounding communities
  • Community based projects in addressing intervention strategies in highly trafficked parts of our world.
  • Engagement with regional UN offices in building collaborative think tanks and subsequent action.
  • Empowerment of the local church to influence civil society in the back yards of our community.
  • Bringing a social justice paradigm where there is an active presence in social service church mission.
  • Raising the issue of intervention in human trafficking with vulnerable and at risk persons

The WEA has established a program entitled Micah Challenge. The mission of Micah Challenge is focused on the MDG’s and has global chapters throughout the world. It’s international influence in the church has established a unity of purpose with the United Nations. The Micah Challenge campaign is equipped with an international secretariat and board with significant NGO membership.

The WEA holds to a credence of action. It embraces a spiritual worldview of unconditional compassion. Its love of God is intentional in encouraging society to live in communities of capacity and peace.

M. Christine MacMillan
WEA Spokesperson